Studies conducted by numerous scientific teams in several nations have raised troubling questions about possible associations between heavy cell phone use and serious health dangers. The World Health Organization has declared that cell phone radiation may be linked to brain cancer because , based on many of the research done on the link between using cell phones and any possible increase in cancer risk has centered on brain cancer, largely because it is the organ in closest proximity to the gadget.

Ten studies connect cell phone radiation to diminished sperm count and sperm damage. In 2007, research at the Cleveland Clinic found that men who used cell phones for more than four hours per day had markedly poorer sperm quality than their counterparts with lower cellphone usage.

Others raise health concerns such as altered brain metabolism, sleep disturbance and behavioral changes in children.A recent study conducted in Sweden revealed that children and teenagers who use cellphones have five times the risk of getting brain cancer. Professor Lennart Hardell, leader of the study, said that "people who started mobile phone use before the age of 20" had more than five times the incidence of glioma, which is cancer of the glial cells that support the central nervous system. In addition, these young cell phone users have five times the risk of getting acoustic neuroma, which is a disabling tumor of the auditory nerve that often causes deafness.


1-Use a Headset or Speakerphone
No reliable data exist on the upper limit of safe talk time, but corded headsets can reduce any potential risk. These emit much less RF energy, and allow you to move the phone away from your body. One study shows that using a headset lowers radiation exposure eightfold.

2-Keep Your Phone Out of Your Pocket
A study published last year in the Journal of Craniofacial Surgery linked cell phone radiation to decreased bone density in the pelvis, and a 2008 study conducted by the Cleveland Clinic found that it lowers fertility in men.

3-Limit Children's Use
Kids have a thinner skull, and their brains are still developing—which may make them more vulnerable to any potential harmful effects of RF radiation.

4-Stop Talking While Driving
In addition to creating a potentially deadly distraction, using your phone in the car forces your cell signal to jump between wireless towers. Since RF is highest when a connection with a tower is first established, talking while traveling can increase exposure.

5-Don't Chat with a Poor Signal
The harder your phone has to work to get reception, the more radiation it emits. This is the reason you should avoid using so-called radiation shields (the shiny stickers that claim to block radiation); they actually force the phone to transmit at a higher power.

6-Don't Wear Wireless Headsets As If They Were Jewelry
Earpieces don't emit as much radiation as a phone, but they release some—even after your call ends. Remove the device between conversations.

Source: DR.Mehmet Oz


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