There are many talented people in the world. But for various reasons, many of us have yet to realize or fully express our talent. Grand or not, everyone has a talent. But many hide or withhold their talents, keeping them secret and close to themselves. Many people misunderstand and don’t fully realize the real essence of talent.
For example, a ball player’s talent is fully expressed when contributed to a team. But if the player only uses his talent to define him or herself better than the rest, then their talent will only take them so far, a place that is usually lonely, isolated, and unfulfilling. A ball player’s, or anyone else’s talent becomes fully realized when they serve others, a team, and not just themselves.

One thing I have learned about talented people is that they don’t look to others to define their talent. Their talent is “not about them.”  In other words, they don’t use their talent to create a superiority complex to make them anymore special than the next person.

Actually these talented people are just the opposite. They are usually humble and see their talent as something was given to them and to be used as a service for others and their talents are meant to be shared, not hoarded. They feel they are not any different from the rest of world and we all could do what they do, only if we tried.

How do you know if you are talented at something? The first indication is time flies while you are doing. You enjoy the intricate details and it feels like fun even if it is hard work! For example, a talented writer will agonize over a word or sentence. Or a singer will sing a line trying many different melodies to find its perfect expression. They love the work and their love hones their skills. True talent is expressed through the sheer joy of doing it, not praise, recognition, or validation.

Source:Lance smith


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